
Happy Birthday Mom!!!

You are an extraordinary woman who I am lucky to call my mom and my friend. I won't even try to tell you here what you mean to me. I know it wasn't just luck how I ended up in this family. I would not be the person I am today without your example.
I love how upbeat and happy you are and your strength and wisdom. I love how you've made home a place where I want to be. I love all the fun times we have had, all the trips to the ocean and beyond. Exploring with you is always fun and you back me up when I want dad to toss the map and get lost somewhere so we can stumble on the really fun adventures. I love how you let me drag you around for hours shopping, you are the only person I can shop with properly! I love how you love dad and the examples you two have been to me of what I hope to find someday. I love your cookies and pies and cinnamon roles. I love that you celebrated your birthday in a tent watching for lions and impalas and cheetahs. You really know how to live to the fullest!
Love you forever.


Cara said...

Aunt Krissy rock on! The best quilts, the best pies, the best smiles and hugs! Happy Birthday!

KickButtMommy said...

No one has anything on Aunt Krissy! We love you! Miles and Heather and kids.

FRYBABY said...

Happy Birthday from us in Centerville too!! We miss you but am thankful for the internet to keep us close even though you are so far away! We love you......"Happy, happy birthday, Krissy dear......."

Anonymous said...

Sooo, I am assuming the photo is on Ben's graduation day? Uncle Terror does look quite spiffy though. Happy Birthday to our So. African Missionary. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone, now that I have to wipe the mascara off my face!!
Had a great day, turned in a wheelchair project to get approved, listened to Terry speak in devotional (great), went to the temple and saw 6 African brothers and sisters take out their endowments, and was treated to dinner by our good friends, the Stringhams. the birthday girl