
it's not magic, it's an illusion

I have always been a sucker for delayed gratification. Let me explain as best as I can. If I get a package in the mail, even if it's an online order I placed myself, I do all other menial tasks I can find BEFORE opening the box. I try to make the suspense last as long as possible.

This also applies to holidays, birthdays and special occasions. I love the build up much more than the actual day. I don't like my birthdays for unexplained reasons, I almost always end up crying. But I love the whole month of October waiting for it and saying my new age in my head so I'm ready to bust it out when the opportunity presents itself.

So tonight when RC1 told me he had sent an email (a rare occurrence to be sure) with a funny clip from his night I told him I was going to hold out and not look at it until AT LEAST late tomorrow morning.

But I'm suffering from insomnia. It's so late I could easily pull and all nighter and I can't figure out why I'm still up after the long day I had. Casey and I went to McDonalds (for two hours!), ran a gazzilion errands, picked Camel up from the airport, she went to work, Casey and I had a full on tussle getting into soccer gear (more for the fun of it than anything) went outside to discover it had worn him out so completely that we had to lay on the grass awhile before he decided he could go to practice. But when I got to the field and got out of the car he was passed out cold in the back seat. I cleaned my car, ran more errands, and whiled away my monday night ignoring the fact that I should have been in a barn dancing like a fool with the rest of my ward (suckers). Totally kidding.

And still, hours later, I am wide awake and rrrar rrrar raring to go (name that movie)

So I caved. I opened the email. Though I can't watch the much anticipated video since I'm on the computer in the office and I'd probably still be sitting here when the sun came up waiting for it to load, so you guys will probably still see it before me. I won't say any thing more, except it's a clip from his FHE activity tonight. Enjoy.


Cara said...

Father of the Bride (can't remember which one)

Watch out Criss Angel - here comes RC1!

KickButtMommy said...

Hm, I don't get it. Does he dissapear?

Cara said...

He's "levitating"

But it's really just editing.

jmr said...

could have had me fooled cara, I thought it was magic... ;) congrats on the movie trivia! gold star for you.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is his giggle at the end!