
My Girlfriends Kitchen

Last night I went to a bebe shower for Jackie and Lucy who is due to make her appearance any day now. I think Jackie makes pregnancy look good. Totally possible I think by the way! She also makes it seem easy. Before the party she was at the gym working out and she plans to do things the natural way. But this girl also has a higher tolerance for pain than most I think so more power to her.
The party was held at a fun place in Layton called My Girlfriends Kitchen. It's set up with a few different assembly lines to create yummy dinners to go for whatever reason (think RS dinner duties with a too busy schedule.) We made bunches of dinners for Jackie and company to take home and freeze for the crazy days to come.

I have joined the ranks. Sarah bought me Twilight for my birthday. (Thanks Peach!) I read it in a couple of days (on accident, sorry Peach) and I'm onto the second book now. Good stuff. I'm having a hard time with how young Bella is. I keep wanting to shake her and tell her she doesn't know love, she's not in love for real... but who am I to tell her that right? I guess I don't understand the appeal of a vampire? Fun read though.


Cara said...

What a good idea for a baby shower! I'll have to remember that one and use it in the future.

Your friend obviously hasn't had a baby before if she's planning on going the natural way. She doesn't know enough to be afraid...very, very afraid... :) But seriously, let us know if she makes it or accepts help like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Have NO CLUE what the advantage of natural birth is. It is totally out of the hippie and granola girl era. I had four babies in the military hospital system and that was always natural. And two babies the civilian way (I should say cilivilized way). What a difference....like between a Cadillac or a Chevrolet. No contest. Give me a little pampering at a time like that cause as soon as that baby is born only the baby will be pampered.

KickButtMommy said...

Wow, I am loving that shower idea! Glad you liked the books. They are lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the only way you can have a baby is natural! Whoever came up with calling it 'natural' anyway? I had a doctor tell me that if you are the one having a baby then it is natural and you might as well enjoy it....so use some anesthesia!! I did for 4 out of 5 and I would choose the anesthesia way for sure. (I know, Jenna, we already had this discussion.....but just thought I would print this up for any of your readers...3:-D)