
Happy Birthday Dad!

You are a one of a kind, fantastic guy Daddio.

Memories that came to mind today:

I love not laughing at your jokes. (then laughing about them later when you can't see)

You make an excellent peanut butter sandwich. You made my lunches for years and those were my favorites. Jackie always wanted my lunches with my capri suns and fruit snacks. Little did she know the sandwhich was the best part! Then in high school when I'd wait til the last minute to get up you'd make me instant breakfast and bring it downstairs with a pop tart I could take with me as I ran out the door. I never thanked you enough I'm sure.

The funny, unique things that make you You: sleeping with one eye open, prepared for any event, loads of questions, silly jokes, tic tacs in your coat pockets, socks with sandals, 3 x 5 cards litered about with lists or more questions to be asked, news radio, fire extinguishers, a drawer just for batteries, monster flashlights and the phrase 'What's going on in here?'... the list goes on and on of things that remind me of you.

Arguing with you about the color of the porch light (yellow makes people look bad dad, who cares if it keeps bugs away?)

I love how you study the gospel and how it is such a gigantic part of your life. I liked seeing you in your office, space heater running, completely immersed in your studies.

Popcorn, root beer and ice cream, staples for a healthy diet. They go with movies, favorite TV shows, nintendo marathons or sitting on the front porch. (Don't think I am forgetting peanut butter, it just goes with out saying it was there)

The way you and mom are together. Taking walks, whispering about me thinking I can't hear you, eating yogurt with peanut butter, going on trips, laughing, reading, etc etc. You inspire me and show me what true love looks like.

Thank you for always being there for me, you are the best example. I look for your qualities in the guys I date because I know if I find someone who will treat me as good as you treat mom, I will have found perfection. (or close enough)

Love you always.


FRYBABY said...

Happy, happy birthday Terry dear! (I hope you remember the tune!!) I have a lot of similar memories...in fact, I can't really remember life without you being around. I have been so lucky to have you as a brother, too, all of these years. Thanks for joining our family and making the best of it! I hope you have a great African B-day party!!

Cara said...

Good old Uncle Terry - did I just say "old?" I meant "refined."

Everyone has a favorite uncle, and you were mine. The jokes are awesome! You go with your South African self.

Sioux said...

Such Wonderful thoughts on your Dad--he is quite the guy! And like you say; just about the nicest and sweetest when it comes to Krissy. Happy B-Day Terry!

Anonymous said...

Alright, Uncle Terror, let's tell it like it is!! I remember BEFORE you were a legal part of the family you would send Kris letters filled with dry oatmeal and on the envelopes you would write 'mushy letter inside'. Sooo mushy!! We all loved it.
You are my only older sibling, so Happy Birthday, Old Guy! You're the BEST!

jmr said...

love that you all love my dad but I still have to say i love him most! :) the outmel story is classic, I can't believe i've never heard that before!

KickButtMommy said...

Happy Birthday Uncle Terry! Miles and I love you very much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jens,
I love you so very much. You have made my day...and not just because of your sweet comments...but because you are YOU, and you are letting the Holy Ghost into your life and thoughts. I love our Savior so much. He made it possible for families to be forever...and I look forward to THAT!!! And thanks to the rest of the family for your comments, except the part of being "old". I don't know the meaning of that word...is it Zulu? God bless you all..

Anonymous said...

If it were Zulu you would know it by now. Still waiting to hear how you say Merry Christmas, in one of your African languages.