

Sunday I wandered off on a walk to clear my head and ended up going crazy with my camera. I've been wrapping up a bunch of different projects and it snowed for most of the day {or should I say it slushed?} so when the sun finally came back out I couldn't focus anymore and went outside to play for awhile.

I'm so happy there are living things outside again. Winter has its own kind of beauty but I don't know if I could be any more excited to see green again! So much so, I've decided to use a chirpy apple green in heavy doses in my condo design for color theory, much like the color to the right.{chirpy? yeah, so not my style but it will be glam and sleek somehow to make my client happy too}

I signed up for my summer classes and decided to go full steam ahead when I realized Algebra is not a required course like I thought it was. My original plan was to take just that class and one fun class {to even things out} and focus on learning, what I consider, pointless mathematics.

When I realized I NEVER have to take Algebra I was so thrilled I signed up for a bunch of classes and decided I played hard enough last summer to warrant summer school this year.

Favorite song today: Neil Dymond 'Sweet Caroline' Weird huh?

Jennaism of the week: I was booking a hotel yesterday in California for one of the guys. I was debating over two equally 'so-so' hotels. Nate was looking over my shoulder for a minute and collectively we decided on the lesser of the two horrible options and I was thinking of selling tactics should the installer have a problem {this guy usually does} and so I pointed out, 'Well, this one allows horses' and pointed to the icon that only became obviously clear that it was a dog, not a horse, after Nate and Chris were rolling on the floor laughing at me.


Jackie Sanders said...

OH my lands! A horse...it may as well have been an elephant!
Those pictures, spectacular!
And the green, they say its the new black....not sure about that, but I LOVE the green!
Quite chirpy!
Be sure you double and triple and quadruple check with a counselor, over and over as to what classes by the college will be required, otherwise, you may be the loan senior citizen finishing an algebra class!!!
(not that I'd have any experience in that!)

Anonymous said...

Did I read it right, that you took those images?? THEY ARE AMAZING! You see and shoot like a pro!

Cara said...

I'm all about green in home decor. It's the new beige. Your hotel room is sounding better all the time.

I'm loving the plant life springing up through the dirt, but I'm not loving the bug life that comes with it. Knowing you, you love both!

Anonymous said...

Spring has sprung over in Virginia also. Now we can look forward(?) to all the summer time yard work and the sweaty long hours of weed pulling. Beauty anywhere comes at a price and a willing strong back.

Love your apple green.

What The Hill? said...

I always think a day without Neil is like a day without sunshine.

jmr said...

thanks for the advice Jax! Bry, I don't know about being a pro, but I like hanging with one ;).
Cara, you know it! Bring on the bugs (minus mosquitoes) Vickers, I'll come pull weeds with you! I like pulling weeds as much as raking leaves (weird right?) and Col, couldn't have said it better myself :)

Kent and Shan said...

Great pictures Jenna, I love them. I should have you come take pics of Madi. I think Rach is coming to Utah in Mayish, but I know you can go to that website in her email and buy from her that way. I just tried a new flavor...bamboo pear, and love it!!

Sarah said...

Jenna I am SO PROUD of you! You are an absolutely amazing woman! Thank you so much for your love and support last week too.

KickButtMommy said...

I must say I am with Bryan. Mucho impressive on the pics and you should do your own book! You are learning a lot from him, aren't you? Also I love coming home and catching up on your blog. Its like a breath of fresh, springy, chirpy green air!

I guess we won't get a visit from you this summer. DRAT!

FRYBABY said...

Where in the world did you find all of those interesting things to take pictures of? I love how you have such an eye for the unusual but beautiful! And I think it looks like a horse too.....I always need to know what hotels will let me bring my horse along:)

Brookeh said...

These are so amazing! You have such a great eye for this. Where did you take your hike at?