
paper aeroplane

one more final to go tomorrow then it's time to play. I'm going to go to the library and find fun books to read and plan some trips and enjoy some free time to do whatever or nothing at all.

I'm officially the new IIDA Secretary. Yeah, that's right, a made up office. Voting was messed up, my vote didn't even count because my IIDA application got lost in a loophole. Who knows if I should have been VP or not and honestly I just don't care. While I was at the portfolio review for graduating students last week I was talking to my friend Lori, iida prez, we talked about creating a new position since there were only 5 of us running and one more person helping out is just great. Great. Only I'm the one with the made up office and it feels a little goofy. But that feeling will wear off and it will still look great on resumes and that's really all that matters because I would have been just involved with the program had I not gotten a position. I'm syked about the possibilities iida offers students. It's going to be sweet.

Other than that, wasn't conference awesome?

Things I loved about the last few days:

my new acupuncturist, August Rush, support from my folks, chats with Michele, spring rain storms, Jackie saving the day saturday with a pedicure and dinner {am I the only girl in the world who can't relax during a pedicure with the sanding and clipping and buffing and snipping? Don't get me wrong -especially you Jackie- My toes are thankful for the attention and I adore the company, but goodness, I need to learn how to relax!}


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Florida politics lives on in SLC. Who knew! Congratulations anyway.

Also, congratulations on the toes. Must never ignore the least of us. Especially someone like you with such long, slender, legs that draw attention to pretty toes.

Jackie Sanders said...

My heavens...you made it sound like your feet/toes were made of calluses, with all the sanding you implied! Don't be fooled, the world, her toes look fabulous!!!! (Even if your pedicurist did draw blood....)
Heeps and heeps of fun Jenz!

KickButtMommy said...

My girlfriend is too ticklish for pedicures. I like the massage part.

Congrats on secretary!

Miss you!

jmr said...

don't listen to Jackie, she likes to think the guy chopped off my toe for squirming. I still have it. :)

I'm with your friend Kickbutt, it's almost more of an effort trying not to squirm, giggle or cry thru the whole process. But man, my pink lil toes haven't stopped gabbering about it.

AND I've gotta stop dogging on it or Jackie will never call me again for a girls nite. I AM grateful, ignore the critisism of our lil viatnamese friends.

Question tho: are they really who they say they are? I mean if they don't understand Jackie's Viatnamese.... well then..... it makes me wonder. ;)

FRYBABY said...

I'm with you on the pedicure...it feels great after but the only time I have ever had one (now you all know to never look at my Fred Flintstone feet!) it was torture! And it gave me the creeps having someone touching my feet! Or at least, someone I didn't know:) Thanks to Coree for splurging and letting me experience that at least once in my life! It was a very thoughtful gift:)

Amy said...

I hear ya, altho I have a hard time paying 35 dollars for that? rathr get a full body massage:) or something. wish i were closer id take you up more on the girl night outing. I would pay for a pedicaure just to sit and chat with you:)
call me when schools out and your FREE! so we can do more chatting!

Sarah said...

Congrats on triumphing through your 1st semester! You are amazing! I love pedicures and would go with you ANY time! I can't believe how fast time flys! Love yoU!