Coming home from running last night I saw this little guy on the sidewalk and thought, "Why?! Why did I have to see this?" You know and I know that I can't just walk by without wondering if I could alter the outcome.
Casey was playing outside so I showed him and when I poked him with a piece of grass he barely responded.
I scooped him up and we took him inside and gave him a few drops of water from a syringe. He perked right up after a minute or two and was doing really cute stuff with his head {equivalent to headbanging for birds}
Coree read up online about what to do with a wee baby bird and you are definitely not supposed to give them
I had a hard time doing it but I left where I found him on the sidewalk and hoped for the best.
That is where I'll leave the story. You can believe what you want. I like to think he is out flying with his pals.
I didn't have it in me to play mommy bird, I know how it ends. I've tried before. I would have liked to be able to set him up with his own hot water bottle, every twenty minute feedings... but how?
I haven't been outside today and I dare not go looking for that sweet, little bird but I am with you.....I am going to imagine that he is safe and his mom is taking care of him somewhere.
Cara rescued a baby bird years ago and kept it in a box in her room. She fed it and watched it grow. It would fly around and was so cute. She had it for a long while (weeks) but eventually it did die. That is always the toughest part.
It wasn't a baby like that one that JMR has. It was an adult bird that our dumb dog nearly killed. I nursed it back to health until it started flying around the room. Then it died. Bummer man.
So, do you want the good news, or the bad news?
Well, good news, I LOVED the pictures of Carden. Yeah! Ah the good old days.
So, the bad news, although you rescued the pool little birdie, I heard that some animals will not take back their young if they smell something on them, such as a human, or any other smell they may see as a potential danger.
BUT alas, I have faith that the mother had very very poor sense of smell, and did swoop the young in her wings, and sail into the sunset.
But, yes. Way to rescue the poor little thing.
True blue grasshopper loving Jenna.
Way to be!
I love you! Remember when we were driving and saw the toad/frog in the road and we HAD to turn around and you put it in a box and we took it back to our apartment and it pooped on the carpet so we released into the wild...good times! I miss you :)
lol sarah!! Thanks for reminding me!! That was a good toad. We should have kept him longer I think.
Oh and Jax, while reading up on bird rescue we found that lil factoid is indeed a wives tail. Birds don't have a problem with people smells like some animals do. Just FYI for the next time anyone wants to pick up wildlife without the desire to keep it as a pet out of guilt. :)
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