

check out what I was up today at the iidablog. It turned out to be such a good day. Big surprise since it took all of my self control to not bail out when only one other girl showed up to help us and it took us an hour and a half to find the place giving me plenty of time to wish I was still in bed. It payed off in the end.


Jen said...

good for you---I always wanted to do that!

KickButtMommy said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to do that! SUPER cool.

Anonymous said...

I have never wanted to do that which shows what a smuck I am and what a golden person you are. Proud of you and your friends.

Amy said...

wow good for you! not jealous however, looks chilly there!!

Jackie Sanders said...

You turkey! Lucy and I would have loved to be there !
you should have called!
Those girls...arg!
Sounds like you made the most of it though. Good for you!!!
So much for what's her name wanting to be your bosom buddie....
No, I'm sure she just couldn't find her way out of her enormous home.