
seoul for the soul

Saturday started early as we headed for Seoul to go to the temple to do Grandpa's work. It was a memorable experience for all of us.

We couldn't decide what to do with the rest of the day but it seemed a waste to just head home without doing something fun while we were in the city.
It was cold and nobody was real excited about getting out of the warm car. But once we decided to go to Itaewon, a shopping district close to the military post, we had a good time. The shopping isn't the best there because it is a tourist trap, but it is still fun to wander around and watch people.
"...and they'll go blind with my awesomeness..." - kung fu panda

We decided to have dinner in our old neighborhood. The building to the left {103} was our apartment building. We had fun laughing about the good times we had the last time we all lived together in this crazy place.

And now for some really good news: Cari has become a blogging fanatic. We set her up with a blog last night and she is already posting like a champ. Add her to your favorites, she's going to be our corespondent to this part of the world.


Cara said...

I love the picture of Cari at the end. You really have an eye Jenz. It looks like a fun time, thanks for sharing!

KickButtMommy said...

You guys have more fun, and I also love your photos!

Anonymous said...

Smart move to do your Grandpa's temple work and extra special that your whole family could participate. Cari's photo...genius.

Jackie Sanders said...

These photos take me where you are, and I LOVE it! Why are you talented at EVERYTHING!!!
LOVE love the photos!