

In a required general study class we are given a personality test. I have never been a big fan of tests like this. Of course I'm curious and it can be entertaining, but I don't really care. Reading over the answers I have a hard time picking just one. I could answer with all honesty a few different ways, why must I only answer by darkening one scan tron bubble? I get caught up with details like, do I 'always' feel this way, or do I 'sometimes' feel this way. And this one answer will then define me. I don't like it.

This test says I am an 'I' with a strong 'C'. {contradicts the color test since 'I' is most like 'yellow' and I'm not a 'yellow'. I'm a white/blue if you must know.}

A common conversation I eavesdrop on around campus is, of course, about what letter defines this person and, now completely versed in the test, they are predicting the fate of those who haven't taken the test yet.

My friend just took the test so this started up a fresh round of who are you questions?

I'm Jenna, don't you know that?

No! Who are you?

Oh, that, I'm an IC but I don't put much merit in the test.

Experienced and enthusiastic observers exclaim, 'OH! That is such a C thing to say!'

This gives me opportunity to spout off about how I don't like to be pegged but I stop myself because it would only compound the believers faith in the test that I am, indeed, a blasted C.

SO I took the test, and came out an I and a C. But the great thing is that out of the class I was one of two students who's test results were unreadable. When this happens you are supposed to take the test over because basically I failed the test. Personality? undefined.

This gives me great pleasure. "I cannot put my feelings in scan tron bubble form."


Lindee said...

I always had the same feelings about those tests. I hated picking just one.....because they didn't always apply at all times. I don't even remember what I turned out to be lol.

Anonymous said...

Very funny and insightful. I feel the same way about those silly tests. I even have the same college story where people asked me what I was and I said, "I'm the best."

The teacher overheard and said, "Oh, you must be a ABCD (I don't remember the letters), because they always say that. And there is no best, only differences."

Then I said jokingly, "That's what people without an ABCD personality always say." ha ha :-)

I'm glad you're undefined, New Moxie-Sushi-Cat!

The Photo Pharm said...

Jenna you are awesomely undefined if I do say so myself.

Ps. You may not have the moves of a dancer but you sure do have the playlist of a dancer. You rock my socks!

Anonymous said...


FRYBABY said...

Only the undefined can keep people guessing!