
flight ops, more Haiti and MSCs

I'm outside again loving the wi-fi. I guess it has been installed on the ship. I'm waiting to be excited until I know for sure. I should teach you a term now. Scuttlebutt. defined: rumor. Rumors run rapid and I never believe anything I hear until it has been confirmed by someone with authority. I know rumors are a thing of every day life but believe me when I say they take on a whole new level here.
I took so many pictures in Haiti the day I was onshore but never got a chance to share. These women were at the public market we drove through. We were stuck in traffic for a long time. Of course I didn't mind because of the volume of activity for me to watch. People were everywhere. They were walking in the traffic that has no rules. No stop signs, no right or wrong side of the street. Everyone honking. Under the parked trucks people are selling onions and other wares.

This guy is the Bozeman {Boz} of the ship. He is one of the MSC's on board and saw the opportunity to set up a cart outside where the boats are being launched. Quite the entrepreneur. They are the engineers and captains who run the ship and aren't military. I have a matching bracelet now like the one he is wearing. The MSC's let me know that I'm officially one of the crew by wearing it. It's a cool knot type thing that has a interesting name {that I've forgotten} but it's a love knot sailors give to the ladies.
the helicopter comes and goes so often that that constant vibrating in the mess decks or seeing it hover above us is just another background noise. {and fun to watch}More fishing. One of my favorite things about life on the Comfort {other than the 3 huge meals a day} are the skies. Never the same thing twice.


whitey said...

What a marvelous adventure you are having and sharing it all with us. Now we get to live it with you thanks for sharing

KickButtMommy said...

I love hearing about every minute you spend there and how you are soaking it up and enjoying it to the fullest!

Vee said...

I love your posts and seeing these sights, that I might never get the chance to see in real life. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. What an adventure!

Cara said...

I'm still trying to imagine the sky at night like you described. I bet it's just like looking through a telescope.

Love knot, eh? You go girl!

Vickers said...

So who eats all those fish you keep catching? Are you supplying the crew with their food? Grandpa and Grandma Awesome would be so proud of your fishing skills.

Jackie Sanders said...

Really? This is crazy! What ARE you eating? You keep saying food things...but what are they?

jenna marie said...

food? Last night dinner was crab legs {HUGE AND FRESH!} and ice cream. There was other stuff available like steak and the usual sald bar, but I stuck with what I really wanted. I'm eating 3 square meals for the first time in probably... ever.

Anonymous said...

speaking of food...don't forget the 4.5 tube steaks (hot dogs) that a certain someone consumed in one sitting! Nice Job Rixer Racker Firecracker.