
office with a view: 1-83-0

Abandon ship drill. RP2 Fields and RP3 Strothers. The 2 guys I work with in the library.
Serving chow

We haven't had access to internet for days now. I brought my laptop outside to see if I could get lucky with wi-fi and I did!! It's fast and the view is unbelievable! I'm port side, in the shade, watching the boats come and go with the people going to shore. Dom Rep is just right there. So close, but I haven't made it there yet. Hopefully next week.
Fitting that the Ministry Team would go fishing together as a farewell party to Rev. Sparks.

He is a one of a kind character. I've had such a good time working with these guys.

My friend Chuck.


Jackie Sanders said...

This is just totally wierd and AWESOME to read things from the middle of nowhere.
So, if you read these, and respond, do you actually spend days ON shore, or just days at port?
I love the pictures of these people. I feel like I know them. Don't know why, but they look like great peeps!
Miss you J!

KickButtMommy said...

you're so cute!

jenna marie said...

We spend days {2 weeks in Dom Rep} in each country but the ship is too big to pull in and dock, and it is expensive, so the only way to get onshore is to by boat and space is limited to go. You have to have a reason and right now I don't have a priority type job. I'll get to go next week to do a community service type project and there is talk about going to the Temple. Crossing my fingers. Miss you too Jax, and everyone else too. I miss seeing your blogs! :)

Vickers said...

Life is tough when you have so much free time that you can sit at the rail fishing and shooting the breeze. Enjoy, because Mom is coming shortly and then you will be spending free time with her hectic schedule.

Love the serving chow photo.

Cara said...

Technology is so awesome that you can send letters and pictures instantly from the middle of the ocean! Sounds like you are having a great time.