
sittin at the dock of the bay

We went to shore for a ceremony {more on the at ContinuingPromise2009 shortly} and afterwards I was talking to a couple of the Navy guys when the ACE team NCIS agent came up and told them he needed their help to drop off generators to one of the work sites. I asked if they needed a NUB to come along {non-essential useless body}. Of course.
We dropped off the equipment at a school then went on our merry way. We were hungry {when am I not hungry?} so Pete, the NCIS guy, {I wasn't as celebrity stricken this time around} took us to a road side shack for some of Antigua's fantastic fare.
Going with my customary 'give me your favorites' the woman there said in her lyrical drawl 'Watch me keenly, I show you the best.' and filled my 'walk away' with rice, chicken curry, lasagna, and mac n cheese with curry sauce drizzled all over the whole thing. I also had ox tail and conch meat. {who knew you could eat those things?} The very best part of the meal was the Banana Pancakes {top left corner}. I have a new appreciation for that Jack Johnson song now.
From my blog you might get the idea that it is all play and no work {no comment from you Santa Da'rell!}. But the work feels like play. We spent the afternoon at the clinic in the GYN area. My mom was screening patients as well as escorting them to the doctors. I was transferring them to radiology, the lab, or pharmacy. I didn't think I'd get a chance to work in the clinics being a non-medical volunteer so yesterday was a treat to play with the kids and talk with the women. We laughed a lot trying to understand each other's English.
I usually only sing 'sittin at the dock of the bay' whilst making icecream shakes but I hummed it to myself yesterday while I soaked in the sun waiting for our ride back to the USNS Comfort {I'm going to start calling the ship by it's full name so my blog will ping on google searches}


KickButtMommy said...

rough life there. Gives your nicknake LOFEY a whole new meaning.

Vickers said...

Good one Kickbutt. I had forgotten about her nickname. Guess Miles was being prophetic when he dubbed her LOFEY. But you have to admit, Jenna does her LOFEYing in great style.

Cara said...

I'm getting a tummyache just looking at that tray of food. You must have guts of steel, I tell ya. And I mean that as a compliment. :)

Jackie Sanders said...

I mouth literally watered when I saw that food. Aaah!!!
It looked SO SO tasty!!! Its a good thing you're they're, not me, because I'd for sure pack on the lbs!!! Way to go. Are you going to make the USNC your home FOREVER?