
a glimpse into our lives aboard the USNS Comfort

Wanna take a peak aboard the Comfort? Your perfect opportunity is today and tomorrow between General Conference sessions on The World Report. The story will be a short segment on the show that covers church news.

We were in El Salvador when the camera crew came for a few days to cover what we were up to out there. Looking back, their visit was the busiest days on the ship for me, and the most rewarding in a way, because all my wandering around the ship paid off. They had a limited amount of time aboard and if they had to spend it getting oriented or meeting the right people to get them access to surgeries, or the flight deck, or key people for interviews, they wouldn't have had time to get anything else done. What a blast! I can't wait to see it, hope you'll get the chance to see it too.

Watch it online {I hope?} here. I'll find out if I can get the extended version {a whole 4 minutes instead of whatever it is cut down to for the commercials, etc. on KSL or KBYU} The best way to see it is satellite, so if you are watching conference at your stake house, stick around for a few minutes after.}


Anonymous said...

Are you Serious?! That's awesome!

Vickers said...

I am so proud of my important, famous niece. Looking forward to seeing you on the Conference Cast.

KickButtMommy said...

setting DVR NOW!

Vickers said...

I saw your interview this aternoon and I was so thrilled for you and grateful that you had that opportunity this past summer. On TV you came across as poised, articulate, and ohes, beautiful. I got a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye I was so proud.

FRYBABY said...

I sat down just in the knick of time to see your interview! You are a star!

Amy said...

when i get a min i will watch! sooooo fun seeing you!! wish we could do that more often!